Wednesday, November 19, 2008


What do i know about the Holocaust?

The Holocaust is extremely depressing.
Jews had to wear stars as identification and were placed in ghettos
jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and mentally disabled people were also targeted.
They ould be transported in cattle cars and placed in concentration camps
Victims were killed, raped, experimented on, and treated horribly in the camps.
Killing consisted of gassing, shootings, cremating, etc.
Killings also existed in ghettos
Krystallnaucht was the burning onf the synagoge "night of the broken glass" many jewish windows shattered
Jewish people has less rights than others Nurembuerg race laws
Jewish children removed from schools
Hitler wanted a perfect race
Hitler was a JEWish man
Mr. Mengele experimented on people and twins basically just killing them in a horrible manor.
The Jewish people were the ones who were persecuted.
Most forced to work and live in chambers where noone could fit.
Their beds were just platforms.
Thousands of people died in this.
Im sure i could think of more. I dont know.

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