Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is poetry?

Poetry is another form of writing. It's a more artistic form. It uses words in an astheticaly appealing manor.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Julius Caesar

Act I:  Provide your opinion on Cassius at this point in the play.  Do you think he has good intentions?  Why or why not?

Cassius is nothing but trouble. He jumps to conclusions, and doesn't give Caesar a chance to prove himself as a person.

"So he is now in execution of any bold or noble enterprise, however he puts on this tardy form. This rudeness is a sauce to his good wit, which gives men stomach to digest his words with better appetite." (line 94)

Cassius is trying to convince Brutus to help rise against and kill Caesar. Cassius is overreactive to Caesar's actions and in my opinion, he needs to chill.



Act II:  If you had to give advice to Brutus to join the conspiracy, what would you tell him?  Provide support from the story with your reasoning.

You should join the conspiracy because the future of Rome is headed on a downward spiral. Caesar is a good leader at first, until he gets his hands on power. The people trust him too much, they'll give him anything he wants, and tell him whatever he wants to hear, and he's not even a ruler yet. 

"upon the word, accoutred as I was, I plunged in and bade him follow. So indeed he did." (line 104)

Cassuis saves him, and Caesar never acknoledges this account. This just shows how inconsiderate he is.


Act III:  Analyze Antony’s monologue to the people at the funeral.  Is his argument a logical one?  How does he appeal to the emotions?  In your opinion, do you believe the speech is effective?  Explain with specific examples!!

Antony is very affectinve, he points out all of the good things and such.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Friday, December 12, 2008

Night Analysis Essay

Theme: By removing someone's humanity and their rights, their feelings and civilization values are lost as well.

Monday, December 8, 2008

End of Text


Night, its a theme that we see throughout the book, it is mentioned many many times and is connected through the wording. IT shows that this point in time was a very dark time, like night. 

Monday, December 1, 2008

Writing Prompts

Concentration Camps
  • Barracks
  • Flames, smoke
  • Ration food, coffee, soup, bread, butter
  • Selection Process
  • Prison Garbs
  • Shoes
  • Babies thrown into the flames
  • Remove Clothing
  • Shave heads
  • Wore prison garbs
  • Tattooed numbers on arms
  • run the prisoners down to fatigue and lose all emotional thought
  • removed all crowns/gold teeth
Stein of Antwerp
  • Family member
  • Symbol of False hope of Jews
  • Wanted to know if family was still alive
  • Elie lies and says his family is ok